Monday, May 06, 2013

Snakes are out, is your dog safe?

I'm starting to see more and more snakes out and about, now that the weather has warmed up.  Conversations with other dog folks have turned to snakes and dogs on the trail.  Recently, a couple of people have asked me about the rattlesnake vaccine.  I have to confess that I really don't know that much about it, but generally I try not to give extra shots to my dogs.  My dogs have all had snake aversion training and, for me anyway, that's enough.  However, my hiking buddy has also taken all of her dogs through snake aversion training and she also makes use of the vaccine.

There are some good arguments for getting the vaccine and they can be found at this FAQ.  This article by the  UC-Davis School of Veterinary medicine presents some things to think about when considering whether or not to give your dog the vaccine.

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