Sunday, August 29, 2010

Caution Snakes are out and Active

August/September hiking in the Gila is a time where dogs and people need to be wary of snakes.  My dogs have all had snake aversion training, so they avoid them when possible, but this year seems to be a really good year for rattlers and that makes me cautious about hiking in unknown areas.

 An acquaintance of mine in law enforcement says he is encountering many snakes on traffic stops along the highway.  I've also heard reports from fellow hikers and from friends on ranches that they are seeing snakes out and about.  With the abundant rains this year it seems that the snakes have had a good food supply and are flourishing.  This time of year is a time for more snake activity anyway and with more snakes being more active caution and care should be taken to limit your dog's exposure to danger.

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